Friday, March 14, 2008

Hutchinson Directories 1865-1866

The Hutchinson Directories provide valuable data relating to the location of our ancestors in New Brunswick. This information combined with census data is one of the most valuable resources when searching for Canadian ancestors in the early years.

Hutchinson Directories


Page 1 of 1 Showing 1 to 9 of 9 records found

Name Street Community County Occupation
Brundage, Abraham - Mouth of Nerepis Kings Farmer
Brundage, Ezra - Oak Point Kings Farmer
Brundage, Jeremiah 9 Elliot Row Saint John St. John Tanner
Brundage, Joshua - Portland St. John -
Brundage, Joshua foot of Waterloo Saint John St. John hotelkeeper
Brundage, Miss - Portland St. John School teacher
Brundage, Stephen k. 108 Duke Saint John St. John flour and provision dlr
Brundage, Thomas Paddock n Waterloo Saint John St. John sailmaker
Brundage, William 7 Elliot Row Saint John St. John house joiner
Hutchinson Directories

Page 1 of 1 Showing 1 to 9 of 9 records found

Name Street Community County Occupation
Brundage, Abraham - Mouth Of Nerepis Kings farmer
Brundage, Ezra - Oak Point Kings farmer
Brundage, James - Tidnish Ridge Westmorland Farmer
Brundage, Jeremiah 9 Elliott Row Saint John St. John Tanner
Brundage, Miss. Paddock n Waterloo Saint John St. John Clerk
Brundage, Stephen. K 119 Duke Saint John St. John Flour And Provision
Brundage, Thomas - Oak Point Kings farmer
Brundage, Thomas 14 Paddock Saint John St. John Sailmaker
Brundage, William 7 Elliot Row Saint John St. John Carpenter