Wednesday, March 5, 2008

School House Photos of my Ancestors'

I have finally found the time to add a School house page to my site. Over the past years, I have been fortunate to collect 8 photos of schools that were attended by my ancestors. The collection is relatively small including photos of 3 educational institutions located in Kansas and 5 from Canada. The size of the collection in no way diminishes my pride in hosting the collection for viewing by others who have the "One Room School House Passion" .

The collection includes photos of College Hill School in Kansas, the Kansas State Agriculture College in Kansas, Rocky Ford School in Manhattan Riley Co. Kansas. The Canadian school house photos include, Biggar Saskatchewan, Buck Lake Saskatchewan, Harlan Saskatchewan and two Ontario schools located in Lewisham and Cooper's Falls Ontario.

Waterloo Co. Ontario 1852 Census

My Religious analysis of the 1852 Waterloo Co. census has been completed and the results have been posted on my web site. I undertook the project as the surname spellings are way off, rendering it difficult to find ancestors using the search engine for the 1852 Census Transcription at site.

I analyzed the data according to the three religious affiliations which accounted for 64% of the population of Waterloo Co. in 1852. Mennonites 447 , Lutherans 414 and Wesleyan Methodists 176, accounted for 64% of the total population of 1600 residents. I have published the names, ages and occupations of the members of each religion on my web site. Families that of interest to my personal research have been highlighted in yellow. I do not have information on any other lines other then those that are highlighted.