Thursday, July 10, 2008

Educate Yourself

One of the most important things to remember when searching for your family lines is that it is a Process of Self Growth. Researching the branches of our personal family tree take us on a journey to other times and places. Even if we start out with NO passion for history the journey through time will eventualy lead to having at least a basic knowledge of historical facts as they pertain to our family history.

I for one never thought that I would delve into the realm of history. In high school I found it horribly boring and often skipped history class all together. But look at me now. I think it was the dictate of the course outline or perhaps I just had no interest at all. When starting out on researching my family lines it was not long till I had questions which I NEEDED ANSWERS TO. I started asking my father for more information and found that little was known. It was not until I started reaching further and found it necessary to actually read a history book. Surprise, Surprise ! Finding ones family roots in written works, stimulates the reader. I bacame an glutton for reading old books and those of published genealogists, finding many available online in digital archives. History somehow became a large part of my life and I no longer find myself embarassed by my lack of knowledge. It was not long till I found I could hold my own in open discussion and felt proud of my growth.

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